[네트워크] 시스코(Cisco) - 주니퍼(Juniper) 타 장비 간 이더채널 LACP 설정 컨피그 참조 자료
[네트워크] 시스코(Cisco) - 주니퍼(Juniper) 장비 간 LACP 설정 컨피그 참조 자료입니다.
설정 참고 부탁드립니다.
<Cisco-Juniper> LACP 정상 상태
* Cisco 이더채널 LACP 상태 확인
Switch#show etherchannel summary
Flags: D - down P - bundled in port-channel
I - stand-alone s - suspended
H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
R - Layer3 S - Layer2
U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator
M - not in use, minimum links not met
u - unsuitable for bundling
w - waiting to be aggregated
d - default port
Number of channel-groups in use: 1
Number of aggregators: 1
Group Port-channel Protocol Ports
1 Po1(SU) LACP Gi0/1(P) Gi0/2(P)
* Cisco 설정 명령어
Switch# show run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 2485 bytes
version 12.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Switch
no aaa new-model
system mtu routing 1500
ip subnet-zero
ip routing
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
interface Port-channel1
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
no ip route-cache cef
no ip route-cache
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 1 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 1 mode active
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan9
no ip address
ip classless
ip http server
line con 0
line vty 5 15